Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Arosa Go-ssip! (Rest and Action - Part 2)

The Second Golden Principle is "I am nothing".
Just for a few seconds, if we can drop our indentity and self-image then we will be able to meditate. Often, our own judgment of ourself does not let us be. We judge ourselves as intelligent or stupid, rich or poor, useful or useless, and so on. Personally, I feel judging ourself or others is a complete waste of time. It does nothing for us. In fact it robs us of our innocence. But if you must judge, then just for a few moments, when it is time to rest, let go of those judgments. Become empty. Have faith that everything is ok!

The Third Golden Principle is "I do nothing".
Sheer efortlessness! Like charging a mobile phone - just plug it in and let it be. Similarly, when we re-charge our Self, we just plug into the infinite conciousness and be!

Practice these 3 golden principles tonight and share your experience with us! (don't just read the Bhagwat Gita - experience it!)
Jai Gurudev!


  1. nice post! why no post since last year ?

  2. If blog's could talk back to their writers, your blog might say something like this --

    "Please feed me... i haven't been fed (some food for thought) for more than a year now :-( .. WCF special (article) would be a nice wholesome sumptuous meal" :)

  3. hey, lihi na kahitari.
