Saturday, January 10, 2009

'Sat'n'Sang'! (except for me who stood and sang :)

Remember that feeling you get when you hear your favourite love song playing on radio?

Yesterday, satsang was like listening to my favourite love song, one that was two hours long and yet never went stale! The Art of Living had organised an Evening of Music and Meditation with Vikram Hazra at the Tata Theatre, NCPA. The satsang was a fund raiser for our Dharavi School which by the way is doing exceedingly well and now needs to expand (hence the funds). So please oblige (your pockets) and gift these children (who were once too busy struggling to fill their stomachs to even dream of a future) an awesomely bright future : ) :) by sponsoring a few square feet for the school's new building (get in touch with Kedar Desai). We experienced (tidal) waves of energy and love as the entire theatre resounded with devotion - i must give it to the audience (they were fabulous!!!). Guruji's presence was so strong... like heaven let loose!! (especially after the horrifying terror attacks that had shaken S.Mumbai) We all felt sighs of relief!

Singing in satsang is like singing your favourite song on a Karaoke Night at Jazz by the Bay :) !! If you're any less passionate than that, you haven't got the point of satsang yet! "Kan kan se artan" is what satsang is all about...reaching out to the Divine through every cell in your body. I remember when Guruji was visiting Mumbai many years ago, we had a HUGE Mahasatsang with Him at the MMRDA Grounds. After the satsang Guruji met a few of us (volunteers & teachers) and someone asked Him, "Guruji, how many people do you think were there for satsang?" Guruji repeated "How many people...." at which point Bawa interrupted and said that someone had asked him the same question after satsang to which he replied, "There were just two - Guruji & me! If you saw any more, you weren't in satsang!!" A light bulb lit in all our heads... it was an "Aho" moment (if you've watched the Ashtavakra Gita, you'll know what I mean!) We thought, "Man! why does he tell us now??" After that day, satsang was never the same! An entirely new experience was revealed to me everytime I 'sat' n 'sang'! Nothing around me matters anymore during satsang, its just me & Guruji ... even with eyes open! :)

love & Jai Gurudev!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Guruji's Message for the new year...

Please please log on to and read Guruji's message for the New Year! Do it now!!

It brought tears to my eyes.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Have a SUPER 2009!!

It's really funny how we look forward to the new year thinking it will be different from the earlier one!! I for one, think this year is going to be very eventful. I see myself chasing astronomical targets, learing how to cook, playing the piano, pampering those that I love, and spending more time with my Master (it's funny how my job never features in this list!).

New year's eve was nice ... We brought in the new year in true Mumbaiya style singing "Morya Re" as we bid farewell to 2008 and embraced in anticipation the new 2009! Then we treated ourselves to some delicious choclolate cake (it was Jayu's birthday) followed by dessert (no, no, chocolate cake doesn't count as dessert... its a birthday formality that one MUST complete) !! It was a crazy night making its way to a crazy year...

Well, I haven't much to say of 2008 or 2009. I'd just like to wish you all a SUPER NEW YEAR where every moment is bursting with joy, love and abundance! The journey so far has been quite exciting (now that I look back) and I am sure I will continue to live it up KING SIZE! :) :)

Love & Jai Gurudev!
