Monday, May 4, 2009


I am sure you must have had a fabulous weekend!

Mine started on Friday night when I was JUST beginning to make a list of some interesting things to do the next day and it suddenly struck me that we (ALMT – the law firm I work with) were working on Saturday :( The thought of going to court in the summer heat made my face shrink and features crumple like a child who had just been told to do his homework! Then I decided to make this fun! A brilliant idea struck me … the 5th day of the YES!+ course where we’re asked to do something NEW… I decided I would do something new this Saturday!! And I did!! :) :)

I wore my pink sneakers to Court!!! :)

(photography in the High Court if prohibited so I had to capture the moments here!!)

For those who haven’t been to a court, let me tell you that it is the most boring place on earth!! Everybody is dressed in black and white with bands stuffed upto their chin and sweaty black robes to make things worse! Tensed clients, stressed out lawyers and uptight judges make up the framework of the Indian judiciary. Can you imagine what my pink sneakers must have done to these dull faces?? For sure, I got noticed a lot more (which I would like to imagine as a good thing), my colleagues were wonder-stuck at how I had had the courage to be so “happy” in my profession, some even thought I had injured my foot and was wearing such “obnoxious” footwear for medical reasons!

Well, the truth is that they did look quite obnoxious amidst a formal setting of black trousers, a white shirt and the lawyer’s gown. But I found myself unusually happy and strangely tickled by what I had done! I had a super Saturday that was filled with interesting comments, reactions and ideas :) :) I was reminded of the pure genius that the YES!+ Course is… and that it doesn’t take much to realize it – just your 100%!!

This experience has left me feeling grateful for the freedom that the Art of Living and Guruji have given me. I am quite a fashion conscious person and I would have never dreamt of doing something so crazy had it not been for the Art of Living! It also made me reflect on why Guruji made me a teacher. I think it is so that I become a better student of the knowledge that I am spreading. Truly a collection of WOW moments that will go a long way down memory lane!!

Thanks Bau for being the brain behind the idea and the wallet behind the shoes! :)

So EVERYBODY do something new today!! Then come back and share it!
Let’s exchange craziness!!! :) :)
Jai Gurudev! ;)


  1. I was doing my first YES!+ last week, and did something crazy on Saturday(the 6th day). Will share it, once I get the photos! :)

    Jai Guru Dev.

  2. Didi Ur realy looking beutiful in Advocate's dress.
    Finally i got the chance to see u in that dress.
    But i have a wish i want to see u FIGHTING i mean ARGUING with other lawyers.
    Jai Gurudev :)

  3. The pink shoes should be made compulsory for all beautiful female lawyers!!
    You look superb in them... a breath of (pink) fresh air for all those stuffy people in the Indian Judiciary
    Jai Gurudeva!

  4. Vow!! Somehow i missed this post in the past! I am sooo proud of u for doing what u did Pu! now u only need to take it to another level in the court by asking for a stool to stand on during your arguments! ;)

    Reminds me of the song by Aerosmith called "Pink". :)

